Clothing Bank Donated 40 Tons of Clothing Over the Year

12. 1. 2024

Reflecting on the year 2023, we see not just numbers and statistics, but also human stories and collective effort. At the Clothing Bank, we witness how every piece of clothing carries its story and becomes part of a larger mission – to provide help and hope to those who need it most. The past year was marked by great solidarity and generosity, reflected in the enormous volume of donated clothing.

A Journey of Shared Successes It’s incredible, but our total aid at the end of the year amounted to 40,468 kilograms, which translates to 10,117 crisis packages. These figures represent not just the amount of donated clothing but also our collective effort to help the most vulnerable.

Distribution Channels Food banks are our invaluable partners. Thanks to them, we were able to distribute an astounding 24,140 kg of clothing. Together with food banks, we provide comprehensive assistance to their clients.

An additional 12,650 kg of clothing was distributed among our other cooperating organizations. These organizations play a key role in our efforts as they have direct contact with people in need and can effectively distribute the donated clothing.

We directly issued 3,676 kg of clothing to clients who approached us individually. This direct assistance is particularly important to us as it allows us to be in direct contact with the recipients of our aid.

The Invaluable Role of Volunteers We cannot overlook one of the most important components of our success – our volunteers. In 2023, dozens of incredibly enthusiastic volunteers joined us, whose tireless work often saved the day. From sorting donated clothing to organizing collections and distributing aid, our volunteers were with us all year round. Their selfless work and dedication embody the true spirit of solidarity and collaboration between the corporate and non-profit sectors. Without their help, we would not have been able to distribute so much aid and touch so many lives. Our volunteers deserve immense thanks and recognition for everything they do for us.

Clothing That Helps “Hello, I would like to request material assistance with clothing for myself and my daughter. I am currently in a difficult financial situation. My daughter (3 years old) started attending kindergarten in September, but she has been sick every other week since she started. I was supposed to start a new job in mid-September, but due to her illness, I did not. As soon as this period passes, I will be looking for a full-time job. On the days she is in kindergarten, I try to do house cleaning or leaflet distribution to improve our situation a little, but I don’t always find work on the days I can, and I don’t have anyone to take care of her so I can go to work. If you have something available for us at the Clothing Bank, I would be very grateful. Clothing is a significant expense (especially as she grows so quickly), and in this life situation, I am just happy to have food for the whole month… What my daughter has outgrown, I have always donated to another mom (or dad) so that it gets used and brings joy to someone else. So what my daughter would outgrow would be passed on to good hands. Thank you very much in advance for reading this email and also for your response,” wrote Ms. Blanka B.

December’s Gratitude The solidarity of our donors is crucial to our work. In December, these companies joined us: Amazon, Pilous, Ikea, Brand Promotion CZ, Zebra Technologies, Zoopark Zájezd, Aveflor, Nestlé, Potex, Pumax, Husky, Hero, Ambiente, and Naše Maso. Special thanks go to JTI, our general partner. Thank you!

All this proves that when we come together, we can achieve incredible things. Thank you for every piece of clothing and every minute of your time dedicated to donating clothing. Together, we achieved incredible results in 2023. Let’s continue this journey in the coming year.