3.5 Tons of Clothing for Those in Need in May

7. 6. 2023

The amount of material aid we distributed in May surprised even us. We donated almost 3.5 tons of clothing, which equates to crisis packages for 864 people in difficult situations.

19,652 Kilograms This Year Since the beginning of the year, our system reports an incredible 4,913 people we have helped. Crisis packages reach clients through the organizations we collaborate with, primarily a network of Food Banks, but also various large and small organizations across the Czech Republic. We regularly provide material aid to Dům Dobra, parish charities in Prague and other cities, shelters, children’s homes, municipal social departments, and many others.

You Help Us Help In May, we were particularly busy due to numerous clothing drives. The largest was organized by the Office of the Government, joined by eight ministries: MMR, MF, MŠMT, MV, MPSV, MZV, MPO, and MD. We are still sorting through the collected items. A swift action was organized by the Designblok office, which not only sorted out clothing but also added several boxes of merchandise from past years. A large drive also took place at OMG, where they supplied us with bags of clothing over two weeks. We thank others who supported us last month: Prague City Hall, Husky, Pumax, the Thai Embassy, the initiative Kup si vohoz, the restaurant network Ambiente, and Naše Maso.

Plans for This Month In June, besides our usual sorting and packing, we are hosting an event for single mothers and their children. We will organize the popular material aid distribution event before the holidays, so children can use the items we prepare for them at camps and in nature. And of course, for mothers too. We look forward to seeing them leave with everything we have prepared, it will be worth it 🙂

A special thanks goes to JTI, our main partner from the very beginning.